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Digital Built Environment

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives but the most adaptable."

Charles Darwin


Our key theme:
Use Case Management

A common language is a first step towards communication across organisational boundaries.

Working Group Initiatives

Construction is undergoing an unprecedented transformation due to digital technologies. ENCORD members collaborate to drive the challenge of increasingly integrated products and services for the Built Environment.

1 Regular exchange on best practices & developments on topics of common interest​

  • Digital Solutions

  • Pre fabrication, modularization industrial construction, Supply chain engagement​

  • Data management, interoperability, standards​

  • Intellectual Property & data ownership, accessibility & security​

  • IOT, machine learning, Robotics​

  • Learning and Development​

2 Engage towards R&D projects together​

  • Exchange on national/EU Research & Development projects ENCORD members contribute to​

  • Offer R&D projects dissemination opportunities to our ENCORD members​

  • Coordinated participation in expert panels / team up in R&D projects – with one voice by ENCORD members​

3 Summarize and advice to ENCORD C-Level​

​4 Influence topics of common interest / fundamentals

  • Position / development of Usecase Management


  • Track Record: 23  Years of valuable exchange among active members​

  • 5D-initiative – set common requirements towards software solution providers​

  • ENCORD VCP participated succesfully in the Horizon 2020 project on EU digital platforms:  “Digiplace ” ​

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